
Primary School

“Always aiming higher

Contact Details


Admissions Policy


We welcome prospective parents to visit the school. If you would like to come and have a look around  please contact the school on 01245 248200.


The Schools Planning and Admissions Department at Essex County Council allocate all intakes of children wishing to join Highwood Primary School.


In the first instance you will need to contact them on 0345 603 2200, www.essex.gov.uk, email: admissions@essex.gov.uk.


There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admission area. In the event of over-subscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:


  1. Looked after children and previously looked after children
  2. Children with a sibling attending the school
  3. Other children living in the priority admission area
  4.  Remaining applications


In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority.

