School Uniform
School Uniform
All children are expected to wear full school uniform.
The School Sweatshirts, School Cardigans can only be ordered through the school.
Girls Boys
Green cardigan or school sweatshirt Green school sweatshirt
White blouse White shirt
Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers Grey trousers (short or long)
School tie ( Year 3 upwards) School tie ( Year3 upwards)
Green and white striped or checked dress in Summer
- Shoes should be black and comfortable with laces, velcro or buckle fastening.
- Heels should be low and there should be some protection for toes.
- Socks should be worn.
- Children are able to wear earrings but these should be stud earrings. For safety, earrings should be removed for all Physical Education work.
- Children should not wear any other kind of jewellery in school because of the risks to the health and safety to themselves and others.
Forest school kit
Children will need wellingtons and warm waterproof clothing for outdoor learning. Long sleeves and trousers are also helpful. They should come into school wearing their Forest School clothing ( not wellies).
P.E. Kit
We believe that wearing suitable P.E. clothing encourages the development of good attitudes to Physical Education. On their PE days, children should come into school wearing their PE kit. All items need to be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
- Green/ Black shorts ( green can only be ordered through school office)
- White/ green T shirt or Polo shirt
- Plimsolls or light trainers
A tracksuit or jogging trousers and warm top is essential in cold weather.
For outdoor games on the field children will need to wear trainers.
For details please ask at the office.
In the Summer Term, all children need a swimming costume and a towel.