The Governing Body
The main responsibility of the Governing Body of Highwood Primary School is to determine the aims and conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.
The governing body holds the school to account for the quality, standard and effectiveness of the teaching and learning. In practice, the governing body works with the Head Teacher to determine how the school should develop to ensure continued improvement, and with the Head and staff agrees plans, policies, targets and procedures that work towards that development. Our aim is to be supportive, yet challenging, in order to support the school and to promote its improvement effectively.
We welcome the involvement of parents, both as Parent Governors and through feedback. Contact can be made with the Chair of Governors, via the School Office. Individual governors bring their own experience and expertise to the group, and as a governing body we benefit from the skills of all our governors.
The Governors visit the school regularly and attend a Standards Committee Group and a Full Governing Body meeting twice a term.
Highwood Safeguarding Statement
The Governing Body is committed to:
- safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety, and the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, of children and young people;
- promoting equality of opportunity and community cohesion where the diversity of different backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and positively valued;
- the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs and expects all staff, volunteers and other workers to share this commitment
The names and responsibilities of our governors are:
Alan Oddy (Co-opted Governor) until 28/02/2027
David Donoghue (LA Governor) until 31/12/2026
Rebecca Parker until 11/03/2028
Clare Atkins until 20/11/2026
Hannah Mordew untill 04/02/2029
Ashley Abbott until 17/04/2025
Marie Staley
Governors Statement September 2022
Attendance at Governing Body Meetings 2023-2024
Name of Governor or Associate Member | Category of governor & term of office start & expiry date | Appointing Body e.g. Governing Body; Local Authority; Foundation; Diocese | Membership of Committees | Positions of responsibility | Relevant Business interests that could present a conflict of interest including whether a governor at another school | Personal relationship (if any) with members of school staff e.g. spouse, partner, relative | Attendance record for 2022 (Feb-Nov) 6 meetings |
Mrs Marie Staley | Joined January 2023 | Ex-Officio | FGB | Executive Head | None | None |
Mr Alan Oddy | Co-opted 28/02/2023 28/02/2027 | Governing Body | FGB | Chair Class Link | None | None | 6 |
Mr Phil Whettell | LA 31/08/2020 31/08/2024 | Local Authority | FGB Standards Board |
| None | None | 5 |
Mrs Ashley Abbott | Staff 01/04/2021 17/04/2025 | Governing Body | FGB |
| None | None | 6 |
Mr David Donoghue | Co-opted 31/12/2022 31/12/2026 | Governing Body | FGB Standards Board | Pupil Premium Safeguarding | None | None | 5 |
Mrs Aedin Lipski | Joined September 2018 | Ex-officio | FGB | Head of School | None | None | 6 |
Mrs Lisa Spelling | Parent 11/03/2020 11/03/2024 | Parents | FGB | Vice Chair | None | None | 5 |
Mrs Rebecca Parker
| Parent 11/03/2020 11/03/2024 | Parents | FGB |
| None | None | 4 |