
Primary School

“Always aiming higher

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Message from Highwood Staff 26.3.20

Morning all, 


Hope you are all keeping well and healthy. I hope you are all managing to find the work that we are putting on Seesaw daily and are able to follow the weekly plans online on the School Work page.

Please don't worry if this is not possible, as every child in the country is in the same boat.

Spend time with your children, reassure them, nurture them and make them feel safe. 

The work we are setting is to help keep a routine going, as none of us know how long this will be for. 

Enjoy the sunshine, but remember to keep a safe distance from others.


Highwood School will not have staff in there every day, as you know we are running childcare provision for children of critical workers at Writtle Juniors, so if you have any concerns, worries or questions please email the school's main email address, as this is checked daily.

Use Seesaw to send message your child's teacher and we will make sure we touch base with all of over over the coming two weeks.


Look after yourself and take care of your wonderful children. 


Mrs. Lipski
